Tandem, or its parent company CoNetrix, is a member of the below associations. This helps us connect with our customers and support their industries.

Alabama Bankers Association
The mission of the Alabama Bankers Association is to provide effective representation and advocacy for Alabama banks, and to serve and improve the banking industry in a continually changing environment. The Association exists to protect and promote the political, legal and business interests of banks operating in Alabama, and to unite its membership through forums for collective industry action.

Colorado Bankers Association
On July 20, 1892, sixty-one Colorado bankers convened at the chamber of commerce to organize the Colorado State Bankers Association. The gathering was termed a "splendid showing of western manhood." Since that day, CBA has become a driving force behind the bankers of Colorado.

Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is a leading association representing the international technology community. Its goal is to provide a unified voice, global advocacy and leadership, and to advance industry growth through standards, professional competence, education and business solution. CompTIA members are companies at the forefront of innovation. CompTIA offers members access to industry research, networking and partnering opportunities, best practices and developed standards.

Georgia Bankers Association
The Georgia Bankers Association is the trade and professional organization representing the interests of banks and thrift institutions in the state of Georgia.

Illinois Bankers Association
The Illinois Bankers Association is a full-service trade association dedicated to creating a positive business climate that benefits the entire banking industry. Membership includes state and national banks, savings banks and savings and loan associations as well as organizations that serve the banking industry. The mission statement of the IBA reads "Empowering Illinois bankers through information, collaboration and innovation."
Independent Community Bankers of America®
CoNetrix is a proud Corporate Member of the Independent Community Bankers of America®
The Independent Community Bankers of America represents nearly 5,000 community banks of all sizes and charter types throughout the United States. It is dedicated exclusively to representing the interests of the community banking industry and the communities and customers it serves.

Independent Community Bankers Association of New Mexico
The Independent Community Bankers Association of New Mexico was formed in the 1980’s by a group of bankers concerned with the expansion of large, national and regional banks into the state. After lengthy debates, the New Mexico Legislature eventually allowed interstate banking. The organization continues to support the retention of both state and federally chartered banks. Only fifty chartered institutions in New Mexico are eligible for ICBA/NM membership, due to strict requirements. All fifty are ICBA/NM members.

Independent Bankers Association of Texas Associate Member*
The Independent Bankers Association of Texas was organized in 1974 to promote the interests of independent banking. Today, IBAT represents more than 2,000 Texas community banks and branches.
* IBAT does not endorse associate members.

Indiana Bankers Association
The Indiana Bankers Association was founded in 1897 and is now the largest and most comprehensive association of financial institutions in the state. The IBA’s mission is to deploy its resources in a manner that fosters member growth, enhances profitability and maintains member integrity. It continually strives to provide government relations, education and other services in a manner that benefits its members.

Iowa Bankers Association
The Iowa Bankers Association was founded in 1887. The IBA servers almost 400 member banks and thrifts in the state, representing around 94% of banks and thrifts chartered in the state. The IBA mission statement reads "Contribute to the success of our members", and the vision statement reads "Iowa Bankers, leading with expertise and resources to empower the financial services industry."

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
CoNetrix employs multiple people that are members of ISACA and maintain various certifications sponsored by ISACA, including the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and the Certified Information Security Manager (CISM). ISACA was started in 1967 by a small group of individuals with the idea of creating a centralized source of information and guidance in the field of computer systems audit controls. Today, ISACA boasts more than 86,000 members in more than 160 countries.

CoNetrix employs multiple people that are members of (ISC)² and maintain various certifications sponsored by (ISC)². (ISC)² was founded in 1989 by Information Security and Information Technology leaders. Today, it is a globally recognized "Gold Standard" for certifying information security professionals. Currently, (ISC)² has certified more than 50,000 information security professional in more than 120 countries.

Kansas Bankers Association
The Kansas Bankers Association (KBA) was organized on February 22, 1887, and was one of the first five state bankers associations in the country. The mission statement for the KBA is "To support and assist Kansas banks and Kansas bankers".

Louisiana Bankers Association
Founded in 1900, the Louisiana Bankers Association (LBA) plays an important role in developing a legal and regulatory environment that is beneficial to Louisiana banks. The mission of the LBA is to help banks grow and prosper.

Massachusetts Bankers Association
Founded in 1905, the Massachusetts Bankers Association is a multi-faceted banking trade group that represents 170 banks across Massachusetts. The MBA seeks to represent and promote the interests of its member institutions and those of the Massachusetts and New England banking industry overall as well as offer quality services that meet the needs of its broad-based constituency.

Michigan Bankers Association
The Michigan Bankers Association's mission is to advance a positive business environment for the Michigan banking industry and to foster safe, profitable, and successful banks, which in turn promote strong communities and economic activity in Michigan.

Minnesota Bankers Association (MBA)
Minnesota Bankers Association has been serving Minnesota's banking community since 1889 and represents 95% of Minnesota's charted banks and savings and loans. The MBA provides advocacy, education, legal, legislative, and insurance benefits to members, along with a variety of products and services.

Nebraska Bankers Association
The Nebraska Bankers Association was founded in 1889. The NBA’s mission is to provide extraordinary service for extraordinary members, and their vision is to be the foremost resource and advocate for Nebraska’s banking industry.

North Carolina Bankers Association
Proudly serving North Carolina’s banking industry since 1897, the North Carolina Bankers Association is the professional trade organization providing advocacy, leadership and support for its dynamic membership base. As the second largest banking state in the nation, the NCBA actively promotes the professional and educational development of its members and affiliate members, and hosts countless annual events, conferences, gatherings, seminars and more.

Oklahoma Bankers Association
The Oklahoma Bankers Association was created in June, 1897 when 25 banks from Oklahoma Territory assembled to organize in pursuit of their common goals. Today, the OBA server 270 member banks by assisting with government relations, educational programs, legal and compliance services, communications, and numerous other services.

Tennessee Bankers Association
The Tennessee Bankers Association was established in 1890, and today all of the Tennessee banks and thrift institutions belong to the association. Among other activities, the association provides continuing education, develops and monitors state and federal legislative agendas, disseminates information on all facets of the financial services industry, and promotes the public image of financial institutions.

Texas Bankers Association
The Texas Bankers Association was founded in 1885 to help create a dynamic and profitable environment for Texas banks. The association provides a healthy atmosphere for the industry as well as resources and services to benefit bank employees.

Western Bankers Association (WBA)
In 2018, the California Bankers Association (CBA) and Western Independent Bankers (WIB) merged to form a new foundation, the Western Bankers Association (WBA). With more than 200 years of combined experience serving banks, the WBA is one of the largest, banking, trade associations, and regional educational organizations in the United States.
The mission of the WBA is to educate and connect bankers with services and resources to help them achieve the highest standards of personal and organizational excellence.

Wisconsin Bankers Association
Founded in 1892, the Wisconsin Bankers Association is the state’s largest financial industry trade association, representing 300 commercial banks and savings institutions and their nearly 2,300 branch offices and almost 30,000 employees. Of the 300 Wisconsin banks, 97 percent are members of the Wisconsin Bankers Association. The Association represents banks of all sizes from banks in rural Wisconsin to the state's largest financial institution in Milwaukee.

Community Bankers Association of Oklahoma (CBAO)
The Community Bankers Association of Oklahoma is a member-driven trade association. It is funded by the membership dues of community banks owned or chartered in the State of Oklahoma. Voting membership is not open to large, out-of-state mega-banks, even if they operate branches in Oklahoma.
CBAO is dedicated exclusively to representing the interests of the community banking industry and its membership through effective advocacy, best-in-class education, conferences and conventions, and high-quality products and services.