

Quantum Computing for Humans

Quantum Computing is on the horizon. As with many new technologies, quantum computing promises exciting opportunities for growth and advancement, as well as potential challenges and threats to our current information security models.

Join this session to discuss:
• The Basics – Core concepts of quantum computing and how it’s different from what we have today.
• New Security Considerations – Some of the risks and pitfalls associated with quantum computing, and emerging security techniques and practices to keep data safe in a post-quantum world.
• Take Action – How to prepare your organization for the impacts of quantum computing now and in the future.

Impact of AI on the Future of Cybersecurity

The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has dominated the technology and business headlines over the past year. Government agencies such as the OCC, NCUA, US Department of Treasury, CISA, and others have also taken note of the associated risks of AI.

In this webinar, we will cut through the clutter of major headlines and hone in on the real threats financial institutions face today when it comes to AI. We will also discuss practical security practices your institution can implement to reduce the risk of AI-based cyber-attacks.
During this webinar, we will explore a balanced approach on the following topics:
• What the major banking and credit union agencies have to say about AI
• What are the real threats AI has introduced to the industry
• Practical security measures you can implement to reduce risk

Past Recordings